Johara Mae
is a full pledge Medical Doctor who graduated from Manila Central University, Filemon D. Tanchoco Medical Foundation
Started youth talks at the age of 17 at her local church.
She began writing articles during her high school days as the Editor-in-Chief of their school paper "The Mayumo", year 2004-2005. informal writing started as a pastime, then a form of therapy and later on became a passion...
loves to eat.. travel.. and read..

is also a Doctor of Medicine Graduate from Our Lady of Fatima University. He now lives at the Golden state and also someone who loves road trips and can drive for 24 hours not feeling tired at all! He is the newest addition to the contributor team of this blog as he loves road trip travels interstate of the United States of America and even out of the country. he already visited 37 out of the 50 states and have only few to cross off in his 50 states bucket list!